Avantgarde Music - 205 products

# Barcode Catalog # Artist Title Format Release Date Price code
163491 301660569662 AV527CD Skaldr Samsr CD 03-21-2025 SW811
163033 301660569518 AV524LP Selvans Saturnalia LP Gatefold Coloured 02-28-2025 SW908
163032 301660569501 AV524CD Selvans Saturnalia CD DIGIBOOK 02-28-2025 SW855
163030 301660569648 AV526LP Void Of Hope Proof Of Existence LP COLOURED 02-28-2025 SW916
163029 301660569631 AV526CD Void Of Hope Proof Of Existence CD DIGIPAK 02-28-2025 SW835
163028 301660569419 AV517LP Nest Woodsmoke LP Gatefold Coloured 02-28-2025 SW916
163027 301660569402 AV517CD Nest Woodsmoke CD DIGIPAK 02-28-2025 SW811
162507 301660569761 AV530LP Mesarthim Anthropic Bias / Departure LP COLOURED 02-14-2025 SW916
162506 301660569754 AV530CD Mesarthim Anthropic Bias / Departure CD DIGIPAK 02-14-2025 SW835
162505 301660569433 AV518CD Todestrieb Corona Tenebra CD DIGIPAK 02-14-2025 SW835
162504 301660569624 AV525LP Vrazorth Emergence LP COLOURED 02-14-2025 SW916
162503 301660569617 AV525CD Vrazorth Emergence CD DIGIPAK 02-14-2025 SW835
162502 301660569389 AV516CD Eard Melancholia CD DIGIPAK 02-14-2025 SW835
162501 301660569532 AV515LP Wolvencrown Celestial Lands LP COLOURED 02-14-2025 SW916
162500 301660569365 AV515CD Wolvencrown Celestial Lands CD DIGIPAK 02-14-2025 SW835
162126 301660569440 AV518LP Todestrieb Corona Tenebra LP Gatefold Coloured 01-31-2025 SW916
161596 301660569716 AV528LPC Enisum Arpitanian Lands DOUBLE LP GATEFOLD COLOURED 12-27-2024 SW908
161014 301660569167 AV512LP Vananidr In Silence Descent LP Gatefold Coloured 12-06-2024 SW916
161013 301660569143 AV512CD Vananidr In Silence Descent CD DIGIPAK 12-06-2024 SW811
158898 301660569464 AV519LP Remina Erebus Mini LP coloured 10-25-2024 SW916
158897 301660569457 AV519CD Remina Erebus CD EP DIGIPAK 10-25-2024 SW810
157776 301660569044 AV507LP Sur Austru Datura Strahiarelor DOUBLE LP GATEFOLD COLOURED 09-06-2024 SW908
157775 301660569341 AV507CD Sur Austru Datura Strahiarelor CD DIGIPAK 09-06-2024 SW811
156440 301660569105 AV510LP Vimur The Timeless Everpresent LP COLOURED 07-26-2024 SW911
156439 301660569099 AV510CD Vimur The Timeless Everpresent CD DIGIPAK 07-26-2024 SW835
155333 301660569075 AV509LP Nel Buio Nel Buio LP 07-05-2024 SW911
155327 301660569068 AV509CD Nel Buio Nel Buio CD DIGIPAK 07-05-2024 SW835
155322 301660568979 AV503LP Nest Fabled Lore - Hidden Stream LP COLOURED 07-05-2024 SW911
155321 301660568962 AV503CD Nest Fabled Lore - Hidden Stream CD DIGIPAK 07-05-2024 SW835
155320 301660569037 AV508LP Inherits The Void Scars Of Yesteryears LP COLOURED 07-05-2024 SW911
155318 301660569051 AV508CD Inherits The Void Scars Of Yesteryears CD DIGIPAK 07-05-2024 SW835
154104 301660563738 AV497LP Vástígr The Path Of Perdition LP Gatefold Coloured 05-31-2024 SW911
154102 301660563721 AV497CD Vástígr The Path Of Perdition CD DIGIPAK 05-31-2024 SW835
154099 7601371507568 AV502LP Ulvik Last Rites | Dire Omens LP COLOURED 05-31-2024 SW911
154098 7601371507490 AV502CD Ulvik Last Rites | Dire Omens CD DIGIPAK 05-31-2024 SW835
153534 301660560959 AV101CD Spite Extreme Wing Vltra CD DIGIPAK 05-17-2024 SW835
142957 7601371510056 AV504LP Voidwomb Spiritual Apotheosis LP COLOURED 04-26-2024 SW916
142956 7601371509852 AV504CD Voidwomb Spiritual Apotheosis CD DIGIPAK 04-26-2024 SW835
142943 7601371527368 AV505LP Beholder Dualisme LP COLOURED 04-26-2024 SW916
142942 7601371527290 AV505CD Beholder Dualisme CD DIGIPAK 04-26-2024 SW835
142940 301660563769 AV495LP Funeral Oration Antropomorte LP Gatefold Coloured 04-19-2024 SW916
142938 301660563752 AV495CD Funeral Oration Antropomorte CD DIGIPAK 04-19-2024 SW835
142335 8033224116662 AV666CDD Abigor Leytmotif Luzifer CD DIGIPAK 03-29-2024 SW811
142334 7601371511282 AV501LP Severoth By The Way Of Light LP 03-22-2024 SW941
142333 7601371511114 AV501CD Severoth By The Way Of Light CD DIGIPAK 03-22-2024 SW835
142031 301660563486 AV490CD Sgaile Traverse The Bealach CD DIGIPAK 03-22-2024 SW811
140870 3663663018385 AV425LP24 Kanonenfieber Menschenmuhle LP Gatefold Coloured 04-12-2024 SW908
140777 301660563912 AV499LP Olhava Sacrifice DOUBLE LP GATEFOLD COLOURED 02-23-2024 SW912
140776 301660563905 AV499CD Olhava Sacrifice CD DIGIPAK 02-23-2024 SW811
140775 301660563790 AV496LP Malist Of Scorched Earth LP Gatefold Coloured 02-23-2024 SW916
140774 301660563783 AV496CD Malist Of Scorched Earth CD DIGIPAK 02-23-2024 SW811
139801 301660563318 AV487CD Aeon Winds Night Sky Illuminations CD DIGIPAK 01-05-2024 SW811
139754 301660563455 AV491CD Crust Dissolution CD DIGIPAK 12-29-2023 SW811
139753 301660563462 AV491LP Crust Dissolution LP 12-29-2023 SW911
139751 301660568924 AV500LP Abysmal Grief Narcissistic Necrophiles LP COLOURED 12-29-2023 SW916
139748 301660563530 AV492LP Ringarë Of Momentous Endless Night LP Gatefold Coloured 12-29-2023 SW916
139746 301660563523 AV492CD Ringarë Of Momentous Endless Night CD DIGIPAK 12-29-2023 SW811
139744 301660563431 AV489LP Amalekim Avodah Zarah LP Gatefold 12-29-2023 SW911
139742 301660563356 AV486LP Voidescent Dust And Embers LP 12-29-2023 SW911
139354 301660563349 AV486CD Voidescent Dust And Embers CD DIGIPAK 12-08-2023 SW811
139352 301660563424 AV489CD Amalekim Avodah Zarah CD DIGIPAK 12-08-2023 SW811
138829 301660563684 AV493CD Lycia The Burning Circle And Then Dust 2CD DIGIPAK 12-15-2023 SW909
136483 301660563219 AV483LP Dismal Aura Imperium Mortalia LP COLOURED 09-29-2023 SW916
136482 301660563202 AV483CD Dismal Aura Imperium Mortalia CD 09-29-2023 SW811
136481 301660563097 AV482LP Vrajitor’s Tenebrarium E.N.L.D. LP COLOURED 09-15-2023 SW916
136480 301660563080 AV482CD Vrajitor’s Tenebrarium E.N.L.D. CD 09-15-2023 SW811
136478 301660563158 AV485LP Moonlight Sorcery Horned Lord Of The Thorned Castle LP Gatefold 09-29-2023 SW916
136477 301660563165 AV485CD Moonlight Sorcery Horned Lord Of The Thorned Castle CD 09-29-2023 SW811
136330 301660563028 AV488CD Bolt Gun The Tower CD DIGIPAK 09-15-2023 SW811
136329 301660563370 AV488LP Bolt Gun The Tower LP Gatefold Coloured 09-15-2023 SW916
136326 301660563035 AV480LP Bolt Gun The Warren 7" vinyl coloured 09-15-2023 SW809
134192 301660562670 AV476LP Vampyroteuthis Infernalis Vampyroteuthis Infernalis LP 06-16-2023 SW943
134191 301660562663 AV476CD Vampyroteuthis Infernalis Vampyroteuthis Infernalis CD DIGIPAK 06-16-2023 SW811
134189 301660563066 AV481LP Mesarthim Arrival DOUBLE LP GATEFOLD COLOURED 06-16-2023 SW908
134188 301660563059 AV481CD Mesarthim Arrival CD DIGIPAK 06-16-2023 SW811
133325 301660562489 AV469CD Ikarie Arde CD DIGIPAK 05-19-2023 SW805
133323 301660562748 AV477CD Argenthorns The Ravening CD 05-19-2023 SW811
132770 301660562755 AV477LP Argenthorns The Ravening LP Gatefold 05-12-2023 SW807
131824 301660562441 AV468LP Ison Stars & Embers DOUBLE LP GATEFOLD COLOURED 04-28-2023 SW908
131823 301660562434 AV468CD Ison Stars & Embers CD DIGIPAK 04-28-2023 SW811
131822 301660562656 AV475LP Cursebinder Drifting LP COLOURED 04-07-2023 SW807
131820 301660562649 AV475CD Cursebinder Drifting CD DIGIPAK 04-07-2023 SW805
131815 301660562779 AV478LP Abysmal Grief Despise The Living, Desecrate The Dead LP Gatefold 03-31-2023 SW938
130902 3663663012796 AV465LP2COL2 Enisum Forgotten Mountains LP COLOURED 03-17-2023 SW911
130601 301660562540 AV465LP Enisum Forgotten Mountains LP COLOURED 03-10-2023 SW911
130600 301660562533 AV465CD Enisum Forgotten Mountains CD DIGIPAK 03-10-2023 SW811
130599 301660562601 AV473CD Ciemra The Tread Of Darkness CD DIGIPAK 03-10-2023 SW811
130598 301660562519 AV464CD Bosco Sacro Gem CD DIGIPAK 03-10-2023 SW805
130355 301660562632 AV474LP Dark Sanctuary Cernunnos DOUBLE LP GATEFOLD 03-17-2023 SW813
130352 301660562625 AV474CD Dark Sanctuary Cernunnos CD DIGIBOOK 03-17-2023 SW819
130189 301660562618 AV473LPP Ciemra The Tread Of Darkness LP COLOURED 03-03-2023 SW914
130186 301660562526 AV464LPG Bosco Sacro Gem LP Gatefold Coloured 03-03-2023 SW807
129751 301660561871 AV454CD Aeon Winds Extinguishing The Light CD DIGIPAK 02-24-2023 SW805
129749 301660562182 AV460CD Neige Et Noirceur Les Brumes Eternelles CD DIGIPAK 02-24-2023 SW811
129747 301660562502 AV466CD Inherits The Void The Impending Fall Of The Stars CD DIGIPAK 02-24-2023 SW811
128459 301660562335 AV462LP Leipa Reue LP COLOURED 02-17-2023 SW943
128458 301660562328 AV462CD Leipa Reue CD 02-24-2023 SW811
128453 301660562458 AV470CD Moonlight Sorcery Nightwind: The Conqueror From The Stars CD EP 02-24-2023 SW811
128450 301660562588 AV472LP Hostsol Länge Leve Döden LP 03-17-2023 SW943
128449 301660562571 AV472CD Hostsol Länge Leve Döden CD 02-24-2023 SW811
128448 3663663012802 AV458LPC Gra Lycaon LP COLOURED 03-17-2023 SW943
128447 301660562151 AV458LP Gra Lycaon LP 03-03-2023 SW943
128446 301660562144 AV458CD Gra Lycaon CD DIGIPAK 02-24-2023 SW811
128442 301660562403 AV463CD Bad Manor The Haunting CD DIGIPAK SLIPCASE 02-24-2023 SW409
126649 301660562175 av459LP Kamra Cerebral Alchemy LP 12-23-2022 SW943
126648 301660562168 av459CD Kamra Cerebral Alchemy CD DIGIPAK 12-30-2022 SW805
126647 301660562250 av461LP Remina Strata LP 12-23-2022 SW943
126646 301660562243 AV461CD Remina Strata CD DIGIPAK 12-30-2022 SW811
124638 301660561307 AV436CD Severoth When The Night Falls CD DIGIPAK 09-02-2022 SW811
123949 301660561956 av110LP Nightbringer Apocalypse Sun DOUBLE LP 11-04-2022 SW936
123947 301660561963 AV110CD Nightbringer Apocalypse Sun CD DIGIPAK 10-14-2022 SW811
123945 301660561932 AV457LP Olhava Reborn DOUBLE LP GATEFOLD COLOURED 10-14-2022 SW936
123944 301660561925 av457CD Olhava Reborn CD DIGIPAK 09-16-2022 SW811
123943 301660561666 av453LP Depths Above Ex Nihilo LP 12-23-2022 SW943
123942 301660561833 av453CD Depths Above Ex Nihilo CD DIGIPAK 12-30-2022 SW805
123939 301660561857 av452LP Saturn’s Cross Cheat Death LP 10-14-2022 SW938
123938 301660561840 AV452CD Saturn’s Cross Cheat Death CD DIGIPAK 10-14-2022 SW811
121702 301660561611 AV448LP The House Horror Tribute Collection LP 07-01-2022 SW938
121701 301660561505 AV448CD The House Horror Tribute Collection CD DIGIPAK 07-01-2022 SW811
121690 301660561697 AV449LP Stjärnfält Lapporten LP COLOURED 06-24-2022 SW938
121687 301660561673 AV449CD Stjärnfält Lapporten CD DIGIPAK 07-01-2022 SW811
121687 301660561673 AV449CD Stjärnfält Lapporten CD DIGIPAK 07-01-2022 SW811
121620 301660561536 AV451CD Moonlight Sorcery Piercing Through The Frozen Eternity CD EP 06-03-2022 SW807
121407 301660561406 AV439CD Oceansnow Vivienne CD DIGIPAK 05-27-2022 SW805
119504 301660560812 AV350CD Ison Andromeda Skyline CD DIGIPAK 03-25-2022 SW811
119503 301660560805 AV349CD Ison Cosmic Drone CD DIGIPAK 03-25-2022 SW811
119502 641126300263 AV1993 Abigor Four Keys To A Foul Reich CD DIGIPAK 03-25-2022 SW811
119397 301660561178 AV434CD A Pale December Death Panacea CD DIGIPAK 03-25-2022 SW805
119392 301660561338 AV437CD Sivyj Yar Golden Threads CD DIGIPAK 03-25-2022 SW811
119221 301660560041 AV399CD Ysyry Mollvun Ysyry Mollvun CD DIGIPAK 03-25-2022 SW811
119220 301660561390 AV438CD Noircure Kyrie CD DIGIPAK 03-25-2022 SW805
119217 301660561277 AV435CD Vastatum Mercurial States Of Revelation CD DIGIPAK 04-08-2022 SW811
119217 301660561277 AV435CD Vastatum Mercurial States Of Revelation CD DIGIPAK 04-08-2022 SW811
119214 301660561574 AV445CD Tome Of The Unreplenished Earthbound CD DIGIPAK 05-27-2022 SW811
119212 301660561543 AV442CD Non Est Deus Impious CD DIGIPAK 04-08-2022 SW811
119200 301660561512 AV443LP Khazad Dum Hymns From The Deep LP COLOURED 07-01-2022 SW938
119183 301660561628 AV666LP Abigor Leytmotif Luzifer LP Gatefold Coloured 04-29-2022 SW914
117752 703694706219 AV349LP Ison Cosmic Drone LP Gatefold 02-18-2022 SW943
117751 703694706226 AV350LP Ison Andromeda Skyline LP Gatefold 02-11-2022 SW943
117601 301660561109 AV430LP Sgaile Ideals & Morality LP 02-04-2022 SW943
117597 301660560867 AV428LP Inherits The Void Monolith Of Light LP 02-04-2022 SW943
117596 301660561093 AV430CD Sgaile Ideals & Morality CD DIGIPAK 02-04-2022 SW811
117595 301660560850 AV428CD Inherits The Void Monolith Of Light CD DIGIPAK 02-04-2022 SW805
117339 301660561420 AV440CDLP Dark Sanctuary Iterum 10" Vinyl Gatefold Coloured 04-29-2022 SW831
116090 301660560775 AV426LP Olio Tahtien Takana Spectral Katharsis DOUBLE LP GATEFOLD COLOURED 01-07-2022 SW913
116089 301660560768 AV426CD Olio Tahtien Takana Spectral Katharsis CD DIGIPAK 12-17-2021 SW805
116087 301660561024 AV429CD Mesarthim CLG J02182–05102 CD DIGIPAK 12-17-2021 SW805
116086 301660561123 AV432LP Lys Silent Woods LP COLOURED 01-14-2022 SW943
116082 301660561116 AV432CD Lys Silent Woods CD DIGIPAK 12-17-2021 SW805
115971 301660560423 AV413CD Cemetery Of Scream Melancholy CD DIGIPAK 11-19-2021 SW805
114742 301660560539 AV395CD Olhava Ladoga CD DIGIPAK 10-22-2021 SW811
114741 301660560522 AV394CD Olhava Olhava CD DIGIPAK 10-22-2021 SW805
112479 301660560461 AV416CD Remah Une Main CD DIGIPAK 10-22-2021 SW811
112478 301660560607 AV421LP Windfaerer Breaths Of Elder Dawns DOUBLE LP GATEFOLD 10-22-2021 SW913
112477 301660560591 AV421CD Windfaerer Breaths Of Elder Dawns CD DIGIPAK 10-22-2021 SW811
112476 301660560713 AV423LP Eard De Rerum Natura LP 10-15-2021 SW943
112475 301660560706 AV423CD Eard De Rerum Natura CD DIGIPAK 11-12-2021 SW805
112474 301660560737 AV424LP Ikarie Cuerpos En Sombra LP 10-22-2021 SW943
112473 301660560720 AV424CD Ikarie Cuerpos En Sombra CD DIGIPAK 11-12-2021 SW805
111715 301660560690 AV425LP Kanonenfieber Menschenmuhle LP Gatefold 09-17-2021 SW936
111684 301660560515 AV418LP Ison Aurora DOUBLE LP GATEFOLD 08-06-2021 SW913
111683 301660560508 AV418CD Ison Aurora CD DIGIPAK 08-06-2021 SW811
111125 301660560621 AV422LP Ulvik Cascades LP COLOURED 09-17-2021 SW830
111124 301660560614 AV422CD Ulvik Cascades CD DIGIPAK 09-17-2021 SW811
109707 301660560362 AV410CD Olhava Frozen Bloom CD DIGIPAK 09-10-2021 SW811
109705 301660560560 AV420CD Mesarthim Vacuum Solution CD DIGIPAK 09-10-2021 SW811
109703 301660560485 AV417CD Ancient Wisdom A Celebration In Honor Of Death CD 07-16-2021 SW811
109703 301660560485 AV417CD Ancient Wisdom A Celebration In Honor Of Death CD 07-16-2021 SW811
106948 301660560294 AV409CD Escumergamënt ...Ni Degu Fazentz Escumergamënt E Mesorga CD 04-16-2021 SW805
106946 301660560270 AV408CD Suicide Forest Reluctantly CD DIGIPAK 04-09-2021 SW811
106607 301660559977 AV396CD Ad Nauseam Imperative Imperceptible Impulse CD DIGIPAK 03-19-2021 SW811
104344 641126300645 AV381CD Severoth Vsesvit CD DIGIPAK 01-08-2021 SW811
104065 301660560133 AV403CD Neige Et Noirceur Bach - Preludium Minor CD DIGIPAK 01-01-2021 SW811
104064 301660560065 AV400CD Beltez A Grey Chill And A Whisper CD DIGIPAK 10-01-2021 SW811
104063 301660560225 AV407CD Funeral Winds Essence CD 01-01-2021 SW811
103548 301660560201 AC406CD Light Field Reverie Another World CD DIGIPAK 12-25-2020 SW811
103547 301660560010 AC398CD Void Paradigm Ultime Pulsation / Demain Brûle CD DIGIPAK 12-25-2020 SW811
103545 301660560089 AV401CD Mesarthim The Degenerate Era CD DIGIPAK 12-25-2020 SW811
100639 641126300744 AV388CD Battle Dagorath Abyss Horizons CD DIGIPAK 10-02-2020 SW811
95746 641126300904 AV390CD Nexion Seven Oracles CD DIGIPAK 10-02-2020 SW811
91547 641126300607 AV379CD Dzo-Nga Thunder In The Mountains CD DIGIPAK 03-13-2020 SW811
85839 641126300416 AV374 Earth And Pillars Earth II CD DIGIPAK A5 01-31-2020 SW811
82194 703694706462 AV361 Suicide Forest Suicide Forest CD DIGIPAK 09-13-2019 SW811
82191 641126300201 AV365LP Aeon Winds Stormveiled LP 09-13-2019 SW831
82190 641126300157 AV365 Aeon Winds Stormveiled CD DIGIPAK 09-13-2019 SW811
82018 703694706363 AV356 Mesarthim Ghost Condensate CD DIGIPAK 07-05-2019 SW811
77860 660902183036 FLOW02 Lumnos Ancient Shadows Of Saturn CD DIGIPAK 03-01-2019 SW805
77857 703694706318 FLOW08 Abstract Void Back To Reality CD DIGIPAK 03-01-2019 SW811
73428 703694706189 AV346 Mesarthim The Density Parameter CD DIGIPAK 10-05-2018 SW811
69751 660902183050 AV339CD Neige Et Noirceur Vent Fantome CD DIGIPAK 06-22-2018 SW804
69749 660902183012 AV335CD Borgne [Infinite] CD DIGIPAK 06-22-2018 SW811
65847 8033224113296 AV329 The Howling Void The Darkness At The Edge Of Dawn CD DIGIPAK 03-02-2018 SW813
60188 8033224113159 AV315 Saule Saule CD DIGIPAK 08-11-2017 SW813
58703 8033224113104 AV310 Mesarthim The Great Filter / Type III CD DIGIPAK 05-26-2017 SW811
56110 8033224112862 AV286 Monumentum In Absentia Christi CD DIGIPAK 03-10-2017 SW805
54491 8033224112930 AV293 Anicon Exegeses CD DIGIPAK 01-06-2017 SW805
50886 8033224112893 AV289CD Mesarthim Pillars CD DIGIPAK 07-15-2016 SW813
48228 3663663001066 AV273 Costin Chioreanu & Special Guests The Quest For A Morning Star CD DIGIPAK A5 04-15-2016 SW408
48226 8033224112770 AV277 Mesarthim Isolate CD DIGIPAK 04-15-2016 SW811
46153 8033224112671 AV267 Hornwood Fell Yheri CD DIGIPAK 12-25-2015 SW805
45205 8033224112626 AV262 Sivyj Yar Burial Shrouds CD 11-06-2015 SW805
44085 8033224112534 AV253 The Deathtrip A Foot In Each Hell CD DIGIPAK 08-21-2015 SW811
39336 5902596954710 AV237 Svartrit III CD DIGIPAK 08-18-2014 SW811
38235 8033224112244 AV224 Janvs Nigredo CD DIGIPAK 05-02-2014 SW805
36989 8033224112251 AV225 Aphonic Threnody First Funeral CD 12-27-2013 SW805